WelcOmE to the Land of Rita DiaMonds

Based on Fact and Fiction.

The Idea is not to force my ideas on you.

My Ideas are not good or bad they are simply mine.

Monday 17 December 2012

Short Story 1 - Happy Birthday Stranger

Daisy is getting dressed to go for dinner, it’s her birthday and she is meeting with some of her girlfriends and friends from work they are going to a new Brazilian restaurant which is rumoured to be West London’s must go to location. Her phone rings she tries to reach it but it’s too late as it stops ringing once she gets to it, she looks at the caller ID and the number is unfamiliar. But then it starts to ring again and she picks up and says “hello” after two seconds of silence she hears a familiar voice say “Merry Christmas” and she bursts into laughter and Henry joins her in the laughter and after what seemed like five seconds of laughter he says “ Happy Birthday stranger”.

It had always been like Henry to say  “Happy New Year” on Easter Sunday and say  “Happy Hanukah” on Valentines Day.  Daisy sits on her bed and she is pleased that after all this while she still finds his alternative jokes highly amusing, she says “thank you stranger”. It has been five years since they both talked, they had promised to remain friends but that never happened. They both now even live in different countries. After what happened five years ago one would think the conversation would be awkward but before ten minutes they had summarised what had gone on in the last five years of their life’s. She got her dream job in London as a magazine fashion editor and he is working for one of the oil companies back in Nigeria and recently got a promotion. He loves his job because he gets to travel a lot, but he starts study leave in three months as he has been accepted to do his MBA at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. She tells him that she met her Idol R-Kelly last year at a concert and was even able to steal a picture with him.

Then the inevitable discussion of their love life comes up, he says that since they stopped talking he did not get into anything serious for two years and was quite the player. He had eventually gone into two pretty serious relationships, which eventually ran their course, but he is now in love with a lady called Stella. Stella had been his dentist for the last year and there was an attraction between them but he only asked her for a first date around valentines day and it has since blossomed into a solid relationship, although still in the early stages he had a really good feeling like he had finally found his soul mate in Stella. The big problem is that in three months he is relocating from Lagos to Chicago and he does not know if they can go the distance for two years till he returns, but he hopes so cause he feels that she is the one and if things go his way after his MBA he plans to get married to her.

Daisy tells Henry she just split with her boyfriend of four years after refusing his marriage proposal. He bursts out laughing saying “poor guy, Daisy will anyone ever be good enough for you?”.  Daisy is silent and he immediately apologises that that was uncalled for him to say that, she says “its okay Henry no need to apologize, to be honest you may be right something is wrong with me I tell you Kevin is the perfect guy every mother wishes her daughter brought home”. Then Henry says “so why did you refuse his proposal?” Daisy goes on to tell him about her Kevin who also resides in London and works in Information Technology, they started off so well and at some point she admits that she thought she was in love with him. She says the last year had been like a Déjà vu doing the same thing, nothing was exciting anymore and all she had left for him was admiration and respect but the fireworks were long gone and she knew she could not commit to that forever.  Daisy tells Henry that she felt very bad for doing that to Kevin but she feels in the long run he will be happy she said no, when he meets someone and feels things that he never felt with her. Henry is silent and Daisy says “Henry I am really happy for you hope everything works out with Stella”.

Daisy had never dated Henry they were just very close friends, but that changed after one mad drunken night. They were both single at the time, they had gone drinking after going to see a movie together but they broke tradition of their friendship and woke up the next morning in the same bed in an awkward situation. Things never remained the same and to make matters worse they could not put it behind them and act like it never happened because Henry told her he always had strong feelings for her and she on the other hand did not feel the same way. Everything changed, they started talking less and eventually completely stopped, he moved from London to Lagos and it was easy to stay out of each other life’s, as he did not even have a Facebook account.  That is why this phone call was the last thing Daisy had expected on her twenty fifth birthday. Henry says he was in London for the week and was now in the airport on his way back to Lagos and he never forgot her birthday and decided to try her number and luckily for him she had the same number. “Henry I am happy you called, and I am sorry that we...” he stops her “Daisy I have to go now the plane is boarding, it was lovely talking you I wish you all the best in life and hope you find what you want in love someday” she says “Bye Henry” and he hangs up. She smiles as she is putting on her make up, that phone call has to be mother natures way of letting her know a new chapter in her life is about to start and she is finally free of the past.

On her way to dinner as she is locking her door, she hears a voice say “hello” and she turns and sees a charming, talk dark handsome man smiling at her. She says “hello” and he starts walking towards her as she is walking towards her car. He tells her he is her new neighbour and his name is Stephen she says, “Welcome to the neighbourhood, I am Daisy”. He asks where she is going and she tells him it is her birthday that she is going for dinner with friends, he says “Happy Birthday Daisy why did you not invite me, or does your boyfriend not approve of you having male friends?”. Daisy laughs and says she does not have a boyfriend and he says “I do not have a girlfriend too so that’s good to know”.  Daisy opens her car door and tells him she will see him another time as she is running late. Stephen says to Daisy “ I look forward to seeing you everyday, moving to this neighbourhood must be the best decision I have made in my life”. Daisy smiles at him, shakes her head closes her car door and starts the engine.

The end!

Friday 14 December 2012

Smile it keeps them guessing

I love smiling, its one of the gifts from God that brings us together in harmony. A smile can change your day, your life even. A stranger smiles to you, and suddenly you want to know more about the stranger and ten years later you two are taking the kids to the Disney Land. You walk in for a job interview and smile and suddenly the employer is listening more carefully to your answers. You stop at the fruit stand to buy a box of strawberries, you greet the fruit seller with a smile and he tells you to pay half price. I once had a very  rolla-coster day from one bad news to another, met up with a friend and was asked to share the good news that I looked so happy. LOL was I to greet my dear friend who I had not seen in a while with a frown, because of things I will one day overcome?? If no was what you said I thought so too!

I have told myself to always stay positive, things always get better. Things may get worse before they get better, but your attitude towards the situation goes a long way to making you feel strong through it all. In the heat of tribulations we have a tendency to loose track of the things we already have that we should be thankful for. People come and people go, but true family and friends will always be two steps behind ready to help us get back up when we fall. Let go of weights pulling you down, spread your wings and fly to the sky. Smile through the pain, the tears, the disappointment. People see you smiling and wonder what good news you just heard, but you know your life is a testimony. Everyday you are alive is worth being thankful for. Keep smiling and watch favours come your way!...Guess what? I am smiling now :-)

With Love,
Rita Diamonds

Monday 10 September 2012

Are we all opportunists??

First of all sorry I have not been here for a while now, needless to say I have been very busy but im here now.

Summer is practically over at my end of the world, year is coming to an end and I still feel my best is yet to come. This is a topic that I find particularly interesting when trying to understand human behaviour. There is a story I heard about the famous Mahatma Gandhi, he was once asked what he would do if one leg of his shoes fell into the train tracks (I guess he was asked this as he was a Law student in University College London, probably using the trains daily); his answer was that he would throw the other one into the train tracks and hopefully a homeless guy would find the two legs of the shoe and use it one day. Okay first of all when I heard this I  was inspired and was thinking boy! that guy was smart! wow why can half the world not be like him! But then again was he just blest in giving the perfect answer? Would he actually have thought in the moment of loosing a leg of his shoe to throw the other one in the same place hoping to help a stranger????

I tell you I have come across so many people in my short time on earth and as I grow older I tend to feel people always have themselves in priority despite what they say. I used to be naive and think that everyone that says they are going to help you will, or say they have your best interest at heart always do. People will help you to the extent where they can no longer take the inconvenience. I am not saying people are not ready or help you but I think everyone one has a limit where they cannot keep putting you before their needs. A lot of people are ready to do whatever it takes to reach their goals in life, some would go to the extent of committing murder just to move ahead in life. How low can you really go? To get what you want what is the price you are willing to pay? Until you want something so bad you feel you cannot live without that is when you will begin to know what values you would contemplate losing to excel. Life is a merry go round, a year later from now you could find yourself crossing boundaries you didn't even know existed just to pay your bills. How many prisoners were born criminals, sometimes life throws challenges that distort your views and values and before you know you are a prisoner of life, a prisoner of your dreams.

How many of your friends are friends and are not steps for you to get to the destination. Some people are constant users and abusers, addicted to using people for their own personal gain. Brother will betray sister, this is a common story, nothing new there. In life it is inevitable that people will not one day use your friendship for a selfish purpose and  mislead you thinking they genuinely care about you.  My own worry is whether we are all opportunists, all after different goals using different means to get what we truly want, deceiving and misleading people along the way. How many people in the heat of losing a shoe will not first worry of how they are going to work home with one leg and if they would not injure their leg, instead  immediately throw the other one away and walk home bare feet, carefree and happy.

Sunday 1 July 2012

Some Photos 3

Some pictures I took recently, still trying to get a hang of photography, but there you go!...as usual click on the photos to see them full sized xx

Guess who I discovered today??

He is from South London born in 1992, to a Kenyan father and an Irish mother.

Okay today I put up a BBM status "Ed Sheeran and Emeli Sande kinda day" and a friend bbms asking me if I have heard of Josh Osho, that if  I like those two I would like him. Quite frankly I had never heard of him, so I youtubed him immediately and I first listened to his first single "Redemption" which by the way is now featured in BP's London Olympics 2012 advert. After 'Redemption' I listened to his second single 'Giants' and now I am a die hard fan of JOSH OSHO! .... Unfortunately I do not think this kid is being given proper publicity, why am I only finding out about him? more people need to know about him because his music is fantastic, his videos do not have as many views as I would have expected for the quality and the fact that he is currently signed to Island records....

I am yet to get his Album L.I.F.E but I already know I will love it..... In the mean time I have done some stalking and found some of his previous covers.. I particularly like his cover of 'Kanye West - Jesus Walks'

Here it is-- Boy knows a thing or two about guitars..

Here is Kanye West's Version

GO JOSH!!!!!! oh and btw ED SHEERAN IS THAT DUDE!!!

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Afro Beats is Taking Over

Beautiful Oyinye P-Square ft Rick Ross 

 P-Square are Nigerian twins Peter and Paul and I have been a huge fan for a long long time. They recently signed with Akon (Konvict Muzik) and I could not be happier for them. Their songs have a huge "Igbo" influence as they are from South Easten Nigeria, and they always have some Igbo phrases in their songs. In this song they are singing about a girl "Oyinye" who is so beautiful! Rick Rozzay's part is actually dope and blends nicely to the duo's cry for Oyinye's love..


Friday 8 June 2012


 oh lol btw these pictures are very unclear they were taken through photo boot on Mac not the best of cameras but will do :D

With Love,
Rita Diamonds xx

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Diamond Jubilee feature

Living in London I could not avoid the celebrations of Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee, rather inevitable. Apparently this is not expected to happen again until 350 years, although I am not sure how this was calculated and estimated, ill just go with it.

                                                Here is a picture that says a thousand words.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww I want LOVE too

God Save the Queen! 

Saturday 2 June 2012

Without You

I'm currently singing and dancing to it in my room....In my mind I'm currently in a music video...haha 

David Guetta is the King of House Music and USHER is USHER!!!! what more can you ask for ?!

Oh oh oh! 
You! You! You! 
Without... You! You! You! 

I am lost, I am vain, 
I will never be the same 
Without you, without you


Tuesday 15 May 2012

Saturday 12 May 2012

How can something so wrong feel so right???!!!

Okay I am a TV whore I watch like One million tv shows and get passionate about quiet a few. Sometimes I do not like to be disturbed when I am watching a particular show, like I get all "no phone calls" mode. I remember someone calling me strange because I said I could not meet up because I was going to be watching a particular show lool!. Excuse me, call me strange but I simply do not care, you will less likely see me disturbing someone when their team's football match is going on so why can I not  demand the same respect??? sigh...

So my new TV show craze is a show created by the one and only Shonda Rhimes. If you have never heard about her google her asap! She brought 'Grey's Anatomy' which I have already stated I love on this blog, and also it's spin off 'Private Practice'. This new show is called 'Scandal' I cannot think of a more appropriate name. It centres on Olivia Pope(Kerri Washington) who helps protect people's public images and makes sure their scandalous stories never get out. Talk about damage control this woman and her team know exactly what to do! Thats not all there is about the show we find out all the main characters have serious secrets for one Olivia and the President of the United States had an intimate affair during his campaign, and he does not hide it from us that he is still hopelessly in love with her even though the affair has ended . The president is married and this should be so wrong! every woman or girl watching should immediately hate Oliva and the President for their forbidden love but you find yourself having hope for them...

In this last episode he defies security rules of the white house and pays her a visit at night. He came to convince her that he was not responsible for the death of a girl he allegedly had an affair with. But before Mr President goes he asks to just have one minute with Olivia, for one minute they sit on the sofa and just cuddle silently. While cuddling silently we see from their faces, how painful their love is and you cannot help but wonder .....How can something so wrong feel so right? 

Cannot wait for the season final next week! and yay it has been renewed for a 2nd season..

here is the video of the scene

Saturday 21 April 2012

Say Hello, then Say Farewell

There is a reason why music exists!! It does amazing things to me, there is no day I can go without listening to music. My taste in music has such a wide range, I can tolerate most genres it all depends on my mood.

My song for  today is "Strawberry Swing - Frank Ocean" The song was originally written and sang by Cold Play! but there is something fresh and genuine about Frank's take on the song , he gives it a Neo Soul feel that just leaves me feeling warm.

This song just makes me want to live in the moment and enjoy what I currently have!

"Just in case an atom bomb comes falling on my lawn I should say and you should hear I've loved the good times here"

Saturday 17 March 2012

some photos 2

Some photos I took I thought I'd share :)...

In case you are wondering the cute kid is my cousin's baby so I guess I am his aunty!! He is gonna be a heart breaker one day ;)

Friday 16 March 2012

Be a Realistic Optimist

I came across a very interesting article on Harvard Business Review on what successful people do differently. I found number 4 particularly useful click on the link to read the whole article It may be worth your time :) x

"4. Be a realistic optimist. When you are setting a goal, by all means engage in lots of positive thinking about how likely you are to achieve it. Believing in your ability to succeed is enormously helpful for creating and sustaining your motivation. But whatever you do, don't underestimate how difficult it will be to reach your goal. Most goals worth achieving require time, planning, effort, and persistence. Studies show that thinking things will come to you easily and effortlessly leaves you ill-prepared for the journey ahead, and significantly increases the odds of failure. "

Nine Things Successful People Do Differently - Heidi Grant Halvorson - Harvard Business Review

Monday 5 March 2012

some photos

some photos I took today with the help of self timer on my camera, the blue heels arrived today and they are so comfortable high and yummy!... lol I just realised I called shoes yummy and I like the sound of it!

Pink check converse

Rebook Classics

Leopard skin heels from topshop

Blue heels from misguided.co.uk

Self portrait

Saturday 3 March 2012

I Choose You

I Looooove Grey's Anatomy! its one of the best tv shows out there, here is an awesome scene from season two(esp 26) its sooo romantic when Denny tells Izzy Stephens "I choose you" xoxo

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Victoria and Albert

Oh! This was the happiest day of my life!

Unconventional love of two first cousins...

Queen Victoria became the Queen of England at the age of 18 after her father’s three elder brothers died without leaving a male successor to the throne. Her father Prince Edward had died about 17 years before that in 1820 the same year her grandfather King George III died leaving her with her mother who she did not get along with. Her reign of 63 years and 7 months is currently the longest any Monarch in Britain. I am not going to go into too much detail about her reign but I am here to capture the love story of her and Prince Albert. Prince Albert the love of Victoria's life happened to be her first cousin. Yes!!!! she married her first cousin, his father was her mother’s brother I think the word we are looking for here is incest. Apparently Victoria was being pressured to marry once she became Queen but she was in no rush. When Victoria met Albert for the first time when he visited from Germany she was drawn to his education and intelligence and thought Britain could benefit from his ideas. The second time he visited she was by then already been Queen for about a couple of years, she was even more captivated that she proposed to him. Talk about unconventional not only did she marry her cousin she was the one who proposed to him. WHEN THE QUEEN ASKS YOU TO MARRY HER YOU BETTER SAY YES!! Okay it was nothing like a one sided affair or a "I command you to marry me situation" he actually shared the same fondness she had for him.

On Victoria's wedding evening she had a headache and wrote in her diary while lying down "I NEVER, NEVER spent such an evening!!! MY DEAREST DEAREST DEAR Albert ... his excessive love & affection gave me feelings of heavenly love & happiness I never could have hoped to have felt before! He clasped me in his arms, & we kissed each other again & again! His beauty, his sweetness & gentleness – really how can I ever be thankful enough to have such a Husband! ... to be called by names of tenderness, I have never yet heard used to me before – was bliss beyond belief! Oh! This was the happiest day of my life!"

I do not know about you but forget about the incest going on here and join me in "Awwing" this is so cute! This is so adorable I hope to feel this way someday you know if and when I get married but not to any of my cousins or anyone related to me!

This marriage remained strong and produced 9 children however sadly Albert died 21 years after the marriage when he was only 42. Albert’s death hit Victoria hard as she went into deep mourning and refrained from public appearances. Her seclusion had a negative impact on her but regained later on in her reign on both her silver and golden Jubilees she made public appearances.

Sunday 26 February 2012

After the snow

Morning after snow in London a couple of weeks ago, took some pictures at almost mid-day on my way to buy milk from the corner store down the road.. (double click on the pictures to see them enlarged)

Melting snow on the plant infront of a hair dressers.

The snow causes traffic as cars, buses and other vehicles have to drive slowly and carefully.

A plant infront of the Cafe where I have breakfast sometimes.

A man decides to walk on the road and not the pavement because its too slippery.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Trial and Failure

"Been there done that and failed" I saw that once on a facebook status, it was a comment on a post of someone complaining about a difficult exam they were going to have, and I assume the comment on the status was a humorous way of a friend who has done it before acknowledging that the exam is indeed difficult.

How many people are willing to try new things, knowing they are difficult and almost impossible to excel at? How many people will take dangerous risks that may offer massive payouts? Looking from a financial point of view the more risks an investor takes the higher the expected return. There are risk free assets that offer low returns, but an investor may want high returns I mean the kids college school fees, the massive mortgage payments will not pay themselves. Without bringing out complex equations in summary MORE RISK = MORE RETURNS however as the name risks implies there is a lot to loose if things do not go as expected. Risks come with gains as well as loses, such is life!

I find myself pondering a lot of times if I should go after my dreams. I mean the dreams that come and hunt me for months then go for a week, then come back again for months. The risks I dream of taking, seldom come to surface in reality because I stop to ask myself "what if?". I am so afraid of failing, that sometimes I refrain from trying and I shield myself with the ignorance of never knowing how I would have done. Ignorance is bliss, you cannot fail if you do not try, you get me right?! However everyone one knows you cannot win, if you are not in the competition. Have you ever watched "who wants to be a millionaire" and discovered you know all the answers to the questions asked and you wish you were the one playing the game and not the person on the television who seems to have no clue. Oh well, there goes your one million my love because you are not the one playing.

"Try and fail, but never fail to try" I came across this quote somewhere and it hit me! what am I afraid of, I am young there is no harm in going after the things I want. There is no harm in trying even if I fail, I will just keep trying till I have lost interest in that pursuit, but if it still hunts my dreams why give up? Take risks! Play the game! you never know you just may win...

Monday 23 January 2012


just keep it between you and me! ..new song from Nigerian artist Banky W, in the song he tells the girl he is having an affair with to keep the love lowkey, that everyone may hate them together, but the affair is just between them and it feels right!

Crazy love

I listened to Latif's new album recently and my favourite song was crazy love its an adorable song!

Thursday 12 January 2012

get up!

Monday 9 January 2012

the past is gone

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Up coming posts

Happy New Year people, hope you all enjoyed and received the blessings of christmas, sorry been busy for a while now! but will soon publish some interesting and exciting posts...

1. Its been 60 months since I thought about you...
2. Not so little anymore
3. Beautiful Dreams
4. Pray with me

5. Diary of a Glad African Woman --- Part 5
AND MUCH MORE this 2012!!

Stay Tuned!... (you can follow the blog by email, so you will be notified when new posts are published, emails from this blog are anti spam!!)

with love,
Rita Diamonds xx