WelcOmE to the Land of Rita DiaMonds

Based on Fact and Fiction.

The Idea is not to force my ideas on you.

My Ideas are not good or bad they are simply mine.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

2 Glasses of a Bloody Mary!!!!

"serves us right for ordering a blasphemous drink"

I do like my alcohol, although I am not really into binge drinking. I actually like the taste of many different drinks. The story I am about to tell happened recently to me and my sister.

It happened on the day after Christmas which I believe is called boxing day. It was cold outside and we all of a sudden started craving cocktails. Down the road where we live there are lots of restaurants and quite a few pubs. We knew these places would not have cocktails but we still decided to go out in pursuit of satisfaction. We were not ready to leave the neighbourhood and travel to where we are sure of the best cocktails. So we walked down the road to about a 1 mile distance on one side and back on the other side. We entered all the restaurants asking if they served cocktails along with their food and they all said no. We asked in all the pubs and they all said no as well. Although in one of the pubs there was an interesting bartender with a Scottish accent who told us " sorry loves I can make em but we don't serve em so I cant make em". Because he was so nice we considered staying in that pub and ordering drinks from their menu. But then we decided not to as we might as well have gone back home where we had bottles of red wine and a bottle of Jack Daniels.

Instead of giving up and going back to our warm abode we continued on our pursuit. We found a turning on the main road that seemed to have a bit of life. We turned there and after a few steps found a very small pub. We went in and the owner of the pub was the one behind the bar a very jolly man who could be in his sixties. As we went in everyone in there turned to look at us, apart from the age gap of us and the people in the pub, there was also the fact that we were two black girls in an all white setting. We asked the Jolly pub owner if he served any cocktails, he said he did not know how to make them. So unlike the Scottish bar tender if he knew how to make them he would have because he was the owner of the pub. And then one of the guys in the pub spoke out that he knew the recipe of "sex on the beach" so he came up to explain to the pub owner. The pub owner listened attentively then said he could not do it because he did not have a shaker. Then the pup owner looked at us and said "Oh but off-course I make a decent Bloody Mary". This is where my story begins.

On the spot it did not occur to us the ingredients of a Bloody Mary as we had never had it before. It was either the fact that the man was so jolly and nice, the fact that everyone in the pub was friendly, or the fact that our alternative would be to go home, whatever it was we agreed and ordered a glass each. It was until he started mixing the drinks that we realised that it was going to be a difficult experience, but by now it was too late to pull back. His ingredients were as follows:
  • 2 shots of vodka/glass
  • 1 mini bottle of tomato juice/glass
  • A bit of tobasco sauce/glass

My facial expression could have probably told anyone what was going through my mind. I have never been a fan of tomato juice and I could not imagine how it was going to taste with tobasco sauce. But trust the jolly man, while mixing was telling us stories of his pub, his son that is also a bartender, how cheap his pub is compared to most west end pubs and so on. He was so nice and excited about the drinks he was mixing that we felt no matter how bad it tasted we owed it to him to drink it. He gave us our drinks and was like tell me what you think? I took a gulp of what I would in future call my worst drink ever. However I told him that it was really nice as I felt it would crush him if I said otherwise. My sister did same and then we got out our blackberries and started chatting with each other.
me: omg this is horrible
sister: I can't drink any more lets go
me: lets try a bit, what a waste of money
sister: why on earth did he put tobasco sauce
me: it is like drinking cold stew
sister: .....
me: we could have stayed home we have drinks
sister: ....
me: how do we leave without offending him
sister: I just can't drink any more

While this chat was going on this man was still talking to us and asking us about our life's. Meanwhile the only thing on our minds was how to get the hell out of there. I kept on forcing myself on gulps. Then luckily his cellphone rang (saved by the bell) ,he picked up and started engaging in a conversation. Almost immediately we smiled at him stood up and made our exist very quickly. We left behind half empty glasses or half full glasses which ever way you prefer. Once we got outside and started heading home, we were both giving renditions of how bad the drink was. Why on earth should a drink have tobasco sauce!!! Why didn't we order a regular like vodka and coke or gin and tonic!!! who sent us there!!! and in the midst of this my sister bursts out "serves us right for ordering a blasphemous drink" That had to be the funniest statement I had heard in a long time. But come to think of it why is the drink called Bloody Mary, is there an origin behind it?! The drink should be called Vodka, spice and Tomato or something more appropriate. Mary makes me think of the earthly mother of Jesus and I am wondering what did she ever do to drink inventors.

Never again will I have this drink, however I would not erase that experience if I had the chance. It ended up being a pretty amazing boxing day after all.

Sunday, 19 December 2010

New Year Resolutions

This year has been fantastic, the Good the Bad and Ugly but mostly good! Lost loved ones welcomed new people to my life. I reached out for hands and touched hearts in the process.In some cases I meant no harm but actually caused pain. I have aged, grown and matured a bit. I have experienced physical and mental pain. I have experienced unexplainable euphoria and have seen hilarity at its peak. I am grateful to my family and friends for being there for me. I may not always spell this out in words but they mean a lot to me. They all add to my life in very unique ways, even though I may come across as little miss independent who seldom asks for help. Knowing that I have a number of caring people out there to help me if I wanted is refreshing. The Lord has been faithful, the Lord has been good to me and I am amazed by his glory.

Next year I hope to transform from the girl you used to know to the woman you are glad you know. "Everyone wants to change the world but no one wants to change themselves" It is easy to point out all that is wrong with everyone else but hard to see our own flaws. In my quiet times I have tried to view myself from the eyes of the outside world and like everyone else I have flaws. In the new year I hope to get better as a person and mature as an individual, learn from my experiences and accept positive change..

The new year resolutions...

(the girl you used to know to the woman you are glad you know)

1. Be more prayerful and spiritual; I am a Christian and prayer should not just be seasonal and timed, prayer should be a conscious and an unconscious relationship with me and heaven speaking to my Lord and seeking guidance. In my decisons I should consider the spiritual reprecautions as there is more to come after this life.

2. Love; show love, give love, share love and express love. I am not always expressive with love even to my mother and sometimes I come across as distant. I know deep inside that I love to great depths but I am not always expressive. Even when I admit love I do not always show it in a convincing way. Basically I will call my parents more often and not only wait till they call me, express my appreciation to them in a more convincing manner.

3. Think before I speak; like a crude oil refinery I should refine my thoughts before I bring them out as words. I often just say what is on my mind without considering how it will affect others. Though it may be an honest snap shot of what is on my mind it does not always clearly portray what I truely feel. What I have said to people have come across as blunt even when it should not have. I am not a theserus who always has the best suitable alternative words but I can take a few moments to consider my words or consider silence.

4. Be more sensitive; be more sensitive to peoples feelings. It is a sort of selfish trait of mine to consider myself first before others. When making decisions sometimes I fail to consider the impact it may make on other peoples lifes. I come and go as I please which may be good for me but in the process hurting people I care about. I know the right things to say at times but hold back so as not to come across as too sensitive. Maybe its time for me to think of the bigger picture. It may be time for people to see a side of me I hardly share.

5. Procrastinate less; If I stopped procastinating I would achieve much more in life. I should perhaps approach a method where the last minute does not exist. In all works of my life from education, to even family obligation, I should work in a decent proportionate time scale. This will be a hard transformation but I should make a huge effort to procrastinate less.

I have many more resolutions but these are the key ones that can even be expanded. I hope to be a better person by the end of next year. I am looking forward to next year. Age and Maturity they say are two different things as I age in the next year I hope maturity comes my way too.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

It's not that Serious

"I expect to maintain this contest until successful, or till I die, or am conquered, or my term expires, or Congress or the country forsakes me..." Abraham Lincoln--June 28, 1862 Letter to William H. Seward

1831 – Failed in business
1832 – Defeated for legislature
1833 – Again failed in business
1834 – Elected to legislature
1835 – Sweetheart died
1836 – Had a nervous breakdown
1838 – Defeated for speaker
1840 – Defeated for elector
1843 – Defeated for Congress
1846 – Elected for Congress
1848 – Defeated for Congress
1855 – Defeated for Senate
1856 – Defeated for Vice-President
1858 – Defeated for Senate

Everyone should be familiar with the story of Abraham Lincoln's pursuit of happiness. This man was publicly humiliated for three decades before he finally became the president of the United States of America. Among his many achievements was pioneering abolishment of slavery.

This is not a history paper that was just an illustration of a determination that paid off in the end. For some reason I am always able to relate with underdogs and I sometimes try to reach out to them. Maybe I can relate to them as sometimes I have found myself loosing when I completely believe I ought to have won. I have also found myself in a situation where I am good enough but the only problem is someone else is just a little bit better. It bemuses me that some people think I always get everything I want so easily. Perhaps if I was in pursuit of such public conquests the whole world would know I fail every now and then. However I still do not think it would hit me so bad, I would probably keep trying like Lincoln. There would be nothing to lose except for pride (some would say dignity but I disagree).

One of my favourite phrases is “It’s not that serious” I say it so often and that’s because people take things too seriously. I remember saying it to a group member who was freaking out during a group project and she burst out “this determines the rest of my life”. I told her “how can it determine the rest of your life when it’s only 50 % of 20% of 40% of your degree” hahaha apologies to anyone who can’t do the maths. People close or even distant to me know that I am somewhat ambitious and well want to get good grades, but I never would let that kill me. She was shocked at my reaction but all I was telling her was to calm down, that as a group we were doing the best we could and panicking is just unwanted drama!! In the end miss drama queen calmed down and we got on with our work. And at the end of the project she thanked me for all my help and for saving the group by answering an unexpected question that was thrown to us by the panel. So much for the girl whose motto is “It’s not that serious” right?!!

Don’t get me wrong, things are serious but just not that! I generally avoid people who bring stress to my life, negative energy is toxic and I am not ready to be intoxicated. Downbeat people, Kill Joys, pessimistic people, off-putting people, running out of synonyms but you get the drift I am allergic to them all!!!!!!!

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Who said opposites attract?

Opposites attract is a common term among physicists and romantics. When learning about magnetic forces I found out that negative ends of magnets attracts. Even the same principle I realised was evident in the study of batteries. However in the case of romantics I may have to beg to differ. I have heard people say finding someone completely opposite to you gives you the opportunity to discover the other half of you you never knew existed. B.S!!! hahahahaha! Please lets be real here you will have to change so much of yourselves to accommodate each other. Everyday you will become less of you and more of the other. One day you will wake up angry with yourself for letting yourself go. When your immunization from each other's differences wears off an epidemic will occur hearts may get shattered in the process.You will not even remember who the real you was, you will just feel uneasy for no reason. And worse if the love actually dies completely you may want to regret the whole experience, years lost even the beautiful memories you want to forget! haha Im not going to say I told you so!!! Find someone who is similar to you and accepts you for who you are. Change is good as long as you realise you are changing and you are okay with the side effects. No one on earth has the same palm prints as you! You are Unique, You are Special.

Life is too short..accept the right changes..but avoid loosing your Identity in the process. Love Life and Live Life...


Inspiration came from this picture above a friend just sent me :)

Friday, 26 November 2010


Thank God I'm Fabulous

Dear Lord thank you for making me this way. Thank you for making me fabulous.

Thank God It's Friday

Dear Lord thank you for seeing me through this week. Thank you for keeping me safe till friday, now I can rest and have a lovely weekend!!

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

A different Dear John I found

I love you, I always did and always will. Things are so good with me and you right now. We have our mis-understandings but love always conquers all. Everyday I love you a little bit more. Most of the greatest love stories have a Dear John moment because even great loves can be cowards. I am never going to let you go, I like to believe you will always catch me when I fall.

This is a special dear John letter and does not mark the end of a great love, rather it marks the continuation of a love with no expiration date or boundary. I would go on writing but instead I will come join you in the parlour and whisper in your ears those three words that makes all the difference.

"I love you" dear John.

Yours forever,
The girl that always has you on her mind.

You are my Cause

Every day I get emails,I get Junk mail
Different causes out there in this world
I want to help them all but I have limited resources
People crying somewhere though I can't see their tears
They so far away, strangers even but I feel their pain
I want to reach out but don't know how
Where to start? Where to go?
A knock on my door!!my neighbour needs some sugar
Not a life-threatening alarm but he needs to drink some tea
Tea without sugar for some is like summer without sun
I go over to his place with sugar and biscuits
He now has sugar for his tea, and biscuits to eat while he drinks
Not a huge cause I am fighting here
But dear neighbour You are are my cause! for now
Charity begins at home and next door
I help you today who knows who I'll help tomorrow
I may one day help the world, but dear neighbour today You are my cause!

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Diary of a Glad African Woman--Part 3

Yesterday I was on a 3 hour train journey,I was seated beside a beautiful African woman. I was chatting (typing) with a mate on my Blackberry and I hear her say “what is with this generation and the need for constant communication”. I turn to look at her and laugh, we begin discussing and she shares her story with me.

She has never been married and is 40 years old. She has not exactly given up on the idea of marriage. She has been engaged twice but never made it to the altar. The main problem was that the men could not get over her success. She sits over millions and has built a successful business from scratch. Both men had always said this was not a problem but a few months to the wedding started showing insecurities. Both times she called off the marriage. Now she has been in an on and off relationship with a guy for 5 years. He wants to get married but she is afraid of committing because of what happened in the past. She knows she may not be able to have her own kids anymore and is open to the idea of adoption in future. She spends a lot of time with her nieces and nephews who are very fond of her. In her business more than half of her employees are male. She has been said to adopt a more masculine approach at work like a lot of successful business women. However when doing business deals she still has to prove herself all the time. She cooks, she bakes, and she makes her own pizzas from scratch. She is very intelligent and did very well in school. She has won a number of awards for her achievements. She is a philanthropist and is often called to give empowering speeches to women.
I thought this African woman was a very ardent independent woman. However I am aware that the world may frown at a woman who has called off two weddings and is refusing to commit to her present relationship. The world would perhaps feel sorry for her as she has no children to call her own and share her wealth with. The world should not judge this woman; she got success at a young age and it’s a baggage she has to carry with her for the rest of her life. Will men ever get over their insecurities when dealing with such a successful woman?

This is the 21st century personally I would want to have it all balanced properly; the family, the home, the career. This I am told is a close to unattainable combination.

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Where are You?

Scooby-Dooby-Doo, Where Are You? We got some work to do now.Scooby-Dooby-Doo, Where Are You? We need some help from you now!!!

Scooby Doo was one of the cartoons I loved as a kid. Although I always got agitated when Scooby and Shaggy ran on a spot for a while before actually running. I'd be saying "go go the monster is coming" like they could actually hear me. I actually miss those good old days when I had no worries. My mum carried me on her back or shoulders very often(was a mama's girl) and my dad threw me up in the air and caught me every evening(was a daddy's girl). No matter how high in the air my dad threw me I always knew he would catch me so I relaxed and enjoyed the adrenaline rush. However whenever I jumped on a trampoline I was tensed as I did not trust it would be there when I fell back down.

I have been undertaking a search for a while now. I am looking for someone in particular! I have no descriptions what so ever. I am told we may have met before many a time but I highly doubt it. I am told this person is the solution to my problems. I am told this person will take the pain away;it hurts everywhere. Where are you? I am looking for you. What is your name? Are you right beside me now or 4000km away? Are you the one that got away? Are you the one that never made it here? I hope you are looking for me too because I think I will always miss you even If we never meet or meet again! :(

Scooby Doo please Help me solve this Mystery...I am looking for someone that means a lot to me!!!

Saturday, 23 October 2010

The World Is My Oyster

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me" (Philippians 4:13). I was introduced to this Bible verse years ago. It was even in a song and whenever I sang it I believed that it was true. I know I was young then but I still believed through Christ I could do all things. In essence I could be whoever I want to be in future as the Lord gives me the grace.

I have dreams, I have aspirations, I have hopes they all will come to pass if I work hard. The world is my oyster. There are so many opportunities waiting for someone to take them,own them and use them. I am not going to hide behind the door or walk behind someone's shadow. I can be who I want.Oysters are sea creatures that have pearls which are precious. The world is my oyster in the sense that it contains many pearls(which can be a symbol for anything thing really) its just for me to keep picking my world up. A pearl is a precious stone people pay fortunes for, and the fact is that if you go to the sea and pick an oyster up you could get a pearl for free. I am going to be optimistic and go in pursuit of my happiness; I am not going to get to the mountain top by staring at the mountain for hours instead of starting to climb.

"If it hasn't been done yet..it's because everyone is waiting for me to do it first and not because it's impossible"

I'll keep moving forward :)

Friday, 8 October 2010


My Blog description says “A young woman that has abundance of reasonable hope because the world is immersed of endless possibilities”. Is this how I want the world to perceive me? Or is this that I am sincerely? Do I hold all this hope I allege? Is the world really immersed of endless possibilities? Or is this what I have forced myself to believe?

If you read other posts from this blog you may rush to assume my personality. Do any of the pieces I write have a contribution to who I am? Posts inspired by flights of the imagination, embellished with interesting literature in order to capture a reader. None of the characters in some of my posts are real characters. Some are versions of people I know or clearly linked to an experience I have had without betraying any Identity.

The truth be told I do not know who I really am. Possibly from posts I have written there are descriptions I wish were in fact the situation I am in. I am a DREAMER I have all these dreams, all these plans, all these wishes. Sometimes I think of how my world would be after I die. Would my world think I contributed to its progression? Would I have helped save a soul from massive destruction? Or will I be forgotten just like the butterfly that got away in spring? Will my dreams ever come true? Or will I let go of relevant dreams day by day due to laziness and discouragement?

I could go on asking questions I do not have answers for. I could go on writing literary filled sentences. I could on dreaming till kingdom come. Every day I learn new things about myself. Every day I find out more about who I am growing to be.

Okay this is awkward I have found myself in a situation I started writing this hoping inspiration would come along the way. However it appears I have been easily distracted and now have lost focus. I’m sorry to anyone to who was enjoying where this was going, it appears I may have to continue this another time. Maybe I will not continue but if I do I hope I have a better insight of who I am by then.

Sorry for wasting your time

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Dairy of a Glad African Woman---Part 2

It is towards the end of my University degree. I have started applying for jobs and as the grace of God will have it subsequently attending job interviews. There is a myth that firms are seeking equality gender wise and race wise. My best section of application forms is the equalities opportunities section. I click female with a chuckle and Black African with a sigh of relief. Martin Luther's speech was very enchanting but I find that I may be in the generation where being an ethnic minority can be very much to your advantage.
Okay I do not milk this opportunity, I actually have friends that fabricate stories on how they have suffered as an ethnic minority woman in the limitations of society bla bla. Yea right I wonder how they suffered when on holiday in the Caribbean or how they suffered when sipping a glass of Moet in a member's only club. That's another story for another day.
This morning I received five letters in the post. One was junk mail,two were from my bank and two were from companies I had interviewed with. I could not pretend to be surprised I was expecting those two letters after emails and phone calls confirming I had been offered both jobs. Now I have a choice to make and it's definitely more difficult than choosing what to eat from the menu of a new restaurant.
I hope I get to convince myself and the world that I did not get this job because my M.A.C foundation colour is NC50. I mean I have an impressive CV I am predicted to graduate with a high score not to forget my commercial awareness and passion in the field. Anyway C'est la vie I am going to make my choice by tomorrow and I promise the lucky firm I choose that I would be more than a colourful decoration that has breasts.

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Unity...Kelly Rowland

First Unoriginal Piece from me..One of those surf Youtube days and came across this old song by Kelly Rowland..In person I am not such a lovey lovey person but for some reason sentimental songs entice me *shrugs*..In person I am pretty bad ass..:)

Unity Kelly Rowland Lyrics

Picking up the pieces
Of a life that I once knew
What will tomorrow bring
Gray skies all around me
I don't know where to turn
Can you help me with this pain

A shooting star
A ray of light
A breeze that calms me in the night
I got your message yesterday
I feel you here
I wish that you could

Stay with me
Two hearts forever
You were the spark that lit the flame
Only if you'd

Stay with me
This love's forever
And in my heart you will remain
Until we meet again

Sitting in the cold room
Waiting for the sun
Will it ever shine again
Pictures frames
The better days
Are swirling in my head
Will I ever find a way

A shooting star
A ray of light
A breeze that calms me in the night
I got your message yesterday
I feel you here
I wish that you could

Stay with me
Two hearts forever
You were the spark that lit the flame
Only if you'd

Stay with me
This love's forever
And in my heart you will remain
Until we meet again

I got your message yesterday
I feel you here
I wish that you could

Stay with me
Two hearts forever
You were the spark that lit the flame
Only if you'd

Stay with me
This love's forever
And in my heart you will remain
Until we meet again

You've gotta slow down
Just slow down
You've gotta slow down
Just slow down

Friday, 6 August 2010

Capturing Love through my Camera

Sometimes pictures tell stories...I was out with a friend and while sitting on the grass in the park we noticed a trend of couples....so I brought out my camera to take a few pictures...the trick is they are unaware of this so there is no falseness in the photos..From the pictures I'll make a brief explanation of what I think is going on in their relationship...this should be fun humour me a bit :)

My Favourite couple..I do not sense any pretence here they are genuinely in love at least for now..haha we all how know things could go,fingers crossed it will last :).

The Date didn't go so well for the girl but she will stay in the relationship because everyone in school thinks he is cool.

He treats her much better than her ex boy friend did and she makes him happy.

Married for over 30 years and still in love.

Hope we get the holiday we deserve.

Very soon Im going to ask her to marry me.
we have to do something different tonight.

Just married we both hope this marriage lasts.

I hope he changes his mind and decides to stay an extra day.

It's possible that she is not a fan of where they are going.

when did we get so old..*sigh*

*Bored* and when we get home the kids will give troubles.

He may not be perfect but he is the best for me..she nags but I always come back.

I wish he asked me more about what I was feeling instead of going on about football.

Our little family is not so bad after all.

Our daughter is the glue of this marriage.

This was fun..xoxo

Dairy of a Glad African Woman---Part 1

My younger sister warms my heart. Her accepted wisdom is bold, her deciding to study Politics Philosophy and Economics did not come as a surprise to me. My parents cried “if you do not study Law you can study Law”. Africans approach to education has always been limited to professional courses such as Medicine, Law and Engineering. My sister called me 3 days ago while I was having lunch and said “I am going natural” “my hair I am chucking it off and growing my natural hair”. A day later on Skype through video chat she explained to me the politics in her decision. She explained ethically why it is wrong that I use Indian hair weaves. No doubt she questioned my ethics for at least an hour but in the end I agreed to disagree. She says the black woman will never be taken seriously if she keeps parading in her “genetically mutated hair” she called it. She now has so much hate for my Dr Miracles kit relaxer. I commend her on her plight I am sure she will look even more captivating with an afro. If I ever choose to join her it would be as a preference not in order to prove to the world I'm proud to be black. I enjoy the privilege of changing my looks only with the power of different hair styles. All races mutate their hair, Indian women spend fortunes to straighten, white women dye their hair, and my friend from Thailand spends loads of money getting her hair chemically curled. That aside I am due for a retouch should call to book an appointment at the hairdressers. I love you sis but I’ll continue genetically mutating my hair.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

I Love Your Smile.....I Relate with Your Frown

When you smile so many words come to my mind, beautiful, dashing, handsome, charming, lovely, gorgeous, pleasing, I could go on. You may never know what exactly your smile does to me and the world. It is difficult to explain and even more it is also uneasy for me to admit the impact of your pleasing beauty. That’s why I try to make you smile, call me selfish for needing this from you for my personal desire. The day I knew I loved your smile was that Day. That day I was consumed with my own moody senses. As usual I am thinking as I am dancing, confused while I am singing, sad while I am laughing. I was dancing and smiling, wondering and.... then I turned and spotted your smile. Tick-tock time flashes and there is a need in me to walk towards your smile. Everyday day from afar I spot your smile I am pleased.

One day I know it’s you from afar even if you are facing me with your back. That day I am filled with confidence and I walk up to you. I tap you at the back and say hello you turn and say hello back. What I see in your face is unfamiliar if I am to be correct it’s a frown. Instantly a spark in me is quenched, there is a need for me to understand your frown. I ask what is wrong. You look into my eyes like you are trying to read my soul to decide whether to trust me. I smile at you and say talk to me I introduce myself to you as Friend. You introduce yourself to me as Lover. You tell me what lies beneath your frown. You complain about the part of the news I hate too. You have similar family stories; you have an equally challenging past. I begin to share with you too; I tell you what I sometimes think of while I am dancing. I begin to notice as your frown begins to soothe to an expressionless stare. You pick up my hand and place in yours, you smile I smile back; I am pleased. Now I am your Friend and you are my Lover just as we were the day I approached your frown. I always did and will always love your smile. However I’ll never forget it was your frown I related to and still do. Friend and Lover shall live happily ever after and after that.

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

That's NOT why I am angry

1. I am not angry because you did not put the seat down, I am angry because I have to put it down myself.
2. I am not angry because you cheated on me, I am angry because you let me catch you.
3. I am not angry because I am hungry, I am angry because my stomach is making loud embarrassing noises.
4. I am not angry because I failed the exam, I am angry because my best friend passed the exam.
5. I am not angry because my parents are divorced, I am angry because I now can't marry my Step brother.
6. I am not angry because you are lying to me I am angry because you are making it so obvious.
7. I am not angry because you beat me up I am angry because you did it in public.
8. I am not angry because of the bad weather, I am angry because some place else the weather is good.
9. I am not angry because I missed the train, I am angry because while rushing for the train I missed the last few minutes of 24.
10. I am not angry because I am poor, I am angry because people think its sad to be poor.

Sunday, 14 February 2010


When I found out you were with me

I screamed I had waited for this day long

A breath of fresh beginnings now

You put a smile on my face soon you kicked me too

All I wanted was for you to be happy

So I ate what was good for you and began shopping

I sang for you I craved the feeling of your touch

I prepared for your arrival anxiously

Heart pounding palms wet the awaited day

Anticipated pains never experienced before

How I hoped you came out bouncy and beautiful

Out of breath I hear a baby crying loud

Your in my arms I am with an everlasting smile

Finally at last I meet you precious one

Your my greatest gift , why cry?

Hush little one mummy loves you


Have you ever lost a normal blue biro and for a few days after no other pen you use feels right all papers you right seem less perfect. Or maybe you never lost a blue biro but like me you have lost something or even someone that was just normal and plain but all of a sudden now the only memory you have of it is perfect the blue biro was the only biro for you. A lot of people can relate to this feeling when a loss occurs, hence the popular quote “you never know what you had until you lost it” We always let ourselves get lost in the loss and yearn for what never mattered and never made a real impact. We make ourselves believe that we will never have better. That was the peak of it that was the mountain top that was the end of the ocean. This attitude we are very familiar with now steps in the way of moving on with our life’s, and finding new blue biros that are more smooth than the random one we lost. Did you really lose anything worth a miss? It’s only human to yearn for what you think you cannot have. You easily make yourself believe that it is what you need and want because you cannot have it! You close your mind from what you can have and deserve because of the past. Is that what you want your life to be ,to hope for what never made a difference in your life ,what never brought you genuine joy ,what was just there lying around in your hand bag silent making no noise or singing a sweet melody. Even when people die loss makes us forget all the wrongs we only have a memory of a perfect person who did no wrong.

“Loss is a feeling that is often mistaken for love. “

Apart from dwelling in the past another situation a lot of us can relate with is hoping for a brighter future. We most of the time have it in our heads that there will always be a better time, that there is more to expect, that what we are now cannot be all we are about. This feeling is closely linked to greed. Greed for what we cannot have now, what we think we ought to have to have lived. We yearn for more wealth, better health, more comfort, more education, more love, more dancing even. This attitude is not all bad I mean it makes us work hard to earn what we think we want. It is linked to ambition, hard work, business savvy, determination and even perseverance. We think that after all the hard work we will get to where we ought to be. We will be able to afford things we once could not, get invited to functions we once were not, talk to people we had no access to before. We always want what we cannot have now not necessarily because we need it but just for the heck of it.

The life we once had and the life that will soon be has a big impact on us today. We are always living in the past or hoping for the future. We hardly live in the now just freely how we could. We don’t even know what we as individual really want we just know a version of what other people think we should want or what we can’t have now that we think we should want. What do I really want now? That is a difficult question even for me because I have been used to relating today to yesterday and working towards what I want tomorrow. I often link my today to how it will affect my tomorrow and even next year without really thinking of what I really want now. Or maybe I never really want anything in the now?

Well as hard as life is life can be very beautiful. It depends on you alone to make life beautiful for yourself.

You are the artist of the one off painting called your life. Are you going to make it a one off master piece like the Mona Lisa or are you going to do scribbles with a one year old’s Crayola crayon. Whichever as long as you are happy after all “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”.

I am not saying planning is bad. But sometimes learn to live today like there will be no tomorrow it just might be the best day you will ever have. I’ll try to practise what I preach.

Got inspiration from a novel I just finished this morning the main character Constance Thorne was so wrapped round her past that in my opinion she never really lived. I cannot re write this best seller and make Connie live but I can definitely write my life the way I want.


Why is the sky blue and sometimes not blue

Why does the sun shine sometimes the same time rain falls

Why is the train early when you want it late even if

It delayed you for the past few days why!

Why do you wake up some days very happy and

Some days sad for reasons you and no one else knows

Why can’t babies talk even if their senses are most sharp

Why can’t dogs see colours not red not blue not even green why!

You could go on asking Why! Why! Why!

Every time you wake up and the sky is not blue

Or when you tell a baby you love he or she and get no reply

You may just never stop asking why!