WelcOmE to the Land of Rita DiaMonds

Based on Fact and Fiction.

The Idea is not to force my ideas on you.

My Ideas are not good or bad they are simply mine.
Showing posts with label in love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label in love. Show all posts

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Victoria and Albert

Oh! This was the happiest day of my life!

Unconventional love of two first cousins...

Queen Victoria became the Queen of England at the age of 18 after her father’s three elder brothers died without leaving a male successor to the throne. Her father Prince Edward had died about 17 years before that in 1820 the same year her grandfather King George III died leaving her with her mother who she did not get along with. Her reign of 63 years and 7 months is currently the longest any Monarch in Britain. I am not going to go into too much detail about her reign but I am here to capture the love story of her and Prince Albert. Prince Albert the love of Victoria's life happened to be her first cousin. Yes!!!! she married her first cousin, his father was her mother’s brother I think the word we are looking for here is incest. Apparently Victoria was being pressured to marry once she became Queen but she was in no rush. When Victoria met Albert for the first time when he visited from Germany she was drawn to his education and intelligence and thought Britain could benefit from his ideas. The second time he visited she was by then already been Queen for about a couple of years, she was even more captivated that she proposed to him. Talk about unconventional not only did she marry her cousin she was the one who proposed to him. WHEN THE QUEEN ASKS YOU TO MARRY HER YOU BETTER SAY YES!! Okay it was nothing like a one sided affair or a "I command you to marry me situation" he actually shared the same fondness she had for him.

On Victoria's wedding evening she had a headache and wrote in her diary while lying down "I NEVER, NEVER spent such an evening!!! MY DEAREST DEAREST DEAR Albert ... his excessive love & affection gave me feelings of heavenly love & happiness I never could have hoped to have felt before! He clasped me in his arms, & we kissed each other again & again! His beauty, his sweetness & gentleness – really how can I ever be thankful enough to have such a Husband! ... to be called by names of tenderness, I have never yet heard used to me before – was bliss beyond belief! Oh! This was the happiest day of my life!"

I do not know about you but forget about the incest going on here and join me in "Awwing" this is so cute! This is so adorable I hope to feel this way someday you know if and when I get married but not to any of my cousins or anyone related to me!

This marriage remained strong and produced 9 children however sadly Albert died 21 years after the marriage when he was only 42. Albert’s death hit Victoria hard as she went into deep mourning and refrained from public appearances. Her seclusion had a negative impact on her but regained later on in her reign on both her silver and golden Jubilees she made public appearances.

Monday, 14 March 2011

One of Those Messages

so long at first you are put off from reading
you leave it and come back in the evening
after the first line you are aware of your nervousness
take a deep breadth you can't stop now

you read every line slow enough to reason well
a few grammatical errors but the message is not lost
very strong words that pierce right through you
take a deep breadth you can't stop now

as you read you are aware of the writters feelings
words of love and hate all bundled up in pragraphs
you picture a flash of the last few years
take a deep breadth you can't stop now

you are done reading and feel a tear drop
is this actually meant for your two eyes and one heart
you read this long message a dozen more times
take a deep breadth you can't stop now

one of those messages everyone should dread to read
one of those messages you have no choice but read
one of those messages that you must reply but don't know how to
take a deep breadth you can't stop now

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

You are my Cause

Every day I get emails,I get Junk mail
Different causes out there in this world
I want to help them all but I have limited resources
People crying somewhere though I can't see their tears
They so far away, strangers even but I feel their pain
I want to reach out but don't know how
Where to start? Where to go?
A knock on my door!!my neighbour needs some sugar
Not a life-threatening alarm but he needs to drink some tea
Tea without sugar for some is like summer without sun
I go over to his place with sugar and biscuits
He now has sugar for his tea, and biscuits to eat while he drinks
Not a huge cause I am fighting here
But dear neighbour You are are my cause! for now
Charity begins at home and next door
I help you today who knows who I'll help tomorrow
I may one day help the world, but dear neighbour today You are my cause!

Friday, 6 August 2010

Capturing Love through my Camera

Sometimes pictures tell stories...I was out with a friend and while sitting on the grass in the park we noticed a trend of couples....so I brought out my camera to take a few pictures...the trick is they are unaware of this so there is no falseness in the photos..From the pictures I'll make a brief explanation of what I think is going on in their relationship...this should be fun humour me a bit :)

My Favourite couple..I do not sense any pretence here they are genuinely in love at least for now..haha we all how know things could go,fingers crossed it will last :).

The Date didn't go so well for the girl but she will stay in the relationship because everyone in school thinks he is cool.

He treats her much better than her ex boy friend did and she makes him happy.

Married for over 30 years and still in love.

Hope we get the holiday we deserve.

Very soon Im going to ask her to marry me.
we have to do something different tonight.

Just married we both hope this marriage lasts.

I hope he changes his mind and decides to stay an extra day.

It's possible that she is not a fan of where they are going.

when did we get so old..*sigh*

*Bored* and when we get home the kids will give troubles.

He may not be perfect but he is the best for me..she nags but I always come back.

I wish he asked me more about what I was feeling instead of going on about football.

Our little family is not so bad after all.

Our daughter is the glue of this marriage.

This was fun..xoxo