WelcOmE to the Land of Rita DiaMonds

Based on Fact and Fiction.

The Idea is not to force my ideas on you.

My Ideas are not good or bad they are simply mine.
Showing posts with label world. Show all posts
Showing posts with label world. Show all posts

Friday, 8 October 2010


My Blog description says “A young woman that has abundance of reasonable hope because the world is immersed of endless possibilities”. Is this how I want the world to perceive me? Or is this that I am sincerely? Do I hold all this hope I allege? Is the world really immersed of endless possibilities? Or is this what I have forced myself to believe?

If you read other posts from this blog you may rush to assume my personality. Do any of the pieces I write have a contribution to who I am? Posts inspired by flights of the imagination, embellished with interesting literature in order to capture a reader. None of the characters in some of my posts are real characters. Some are versions of people I know or clearly linked to an experience I have had without betraying any Identity.

The truth be told I do not know who I really am. Possibly from posts I have written there are descriptions I wish were in fact the situation I am in. I am a DREAMER I have all these dreams, all these plans, all these wishes. Sometimes I think of how my world would be after I die. Would my world think I contributed to its progression? Would I have helped save a soul from massive destruction? Or will I be forgotten just like the butterfly that got away in spring? Will my dreams ever come true? Or will I let go of relevant dreams day by day due to laziness and discouragement?

I could go on asking questions I do not have answers for. I could go on writing literary filled sentences. I could on dreaming till kingdom come. Every day I learn new things about myself. Every day I find out more about who I am growing to be.

Okay this is awkward I have found myself in a situation I started writing this hoping inspiration would come along the way. However it appears I have been easily distracted and now have lost focus. I’m sorry to anyone to who was enjoying where this was going, it appears I may have to continue this another time. Maybe I will not continue but if I do I hope I have a better insight of who I am by then.

Sorry for wasting your time