WelcOmE to the Land of Rita DiaMonds

Based on Fact and Fiction.

The Idea is not to force my ideas on you.

My Ideas are not good or bad they are simply mine.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Extra-Marital Affairs Frustrate Me ---Pardon me while I rant...

I am sure you see my heading and immediately wonder why I seem very easily roused about the subject when I am not even married. I am far from ready to get hitched, not every twenty something year old Nigerian woman/girl/babe is fixated with the idea of planning a big wedding or gaining esteem for being able to get a man to propose. I am not trying to be the next Oprah Winfrey LOL I do not even want to ever be that powerful and rich seems like too much burden if you ask me. I just want to discover me, own myself for a little longer before committing to share all of me, mind, body and soul to one person for the rest of my life. If I ever walk down that aisle I want to feel like my life would be deficient without that one person, he should make me a version of me the world cannot do without.

So do I get frustrated about a topic that does not yet concern me yet? First of all the term “Every man cheats” infuriates the “mind my French” out of me. I do not even think it is the phrase itself that annoys me but the self proclaimed exposed women who preach the sermon to their daughters when they are about to get married. Or should I make this more Niche?, and say Nigerian women who believe that the secret to a happy marriage is to go in eyes wide shut ignoring the man’s indiscretions as long as he does not try to replace you with one of his mistresses. This mentality of the women over the years has made the men to misbehave without a conscience as they know their wife is going nowhere! , and in turn in modern day Nigerian society the women are now also getting their own fun outside. Most Nigerian men would dare not suspect their wife of cheating, their egos won't allow them to question the frequents late night church services she attends. People say men can differentiate sex from love and emotions but women cannot, hence the reason it’s more jaw breaking when the woman is the culprit. At the end of the day none of these cheaters will leave the marriage because, society condemns it, it’s a comfortable financial set up and last but not the least the “children”.

I make too many references on this blog to the show “Scandal” I am beyond over Olivia Pope’s affair with Fitz, get over it people at least in this lifetime. Leave it to the next life hopefully then fate would be considerate and make your circumstances more ideal. My problem is when people try so hard to rationalise extra marital affairs especially when the man has admitted to being in love with the mistress, everyone goes all “but they are in love, so it is meant to be”, what frustrates me even more is when everyone tries to make us understand why his wife is evil. My point is he knew she was evil when he decided to go in front of God and man and marry her regardless. And if she is really that evil can we hear DIVORCE? Okay in some cases I hear the man does not start such a love affair until he has completely left his marriage which I think is better, but still it frustrates me watching a man (In the case where a happy home), leaves his happy home, wife and kids to pursue the subject of his affections. My reasoning is you should be married to the love of your life anyway, you settled and now please keep  settling don’t break hearts and families because you could not wait for love, or you let love pass you by. I think I am less frustrated about affairs that have nothing to do with love, just a man looking for a lesser woman to boost his ego or a women solely for physical pleasure.

I am currently reading Chimanda Adichie’s new book Americanah and I am already getting frustrated not because of the book itself but because of Ifemelu and Obinze's overdramatized love. Obinze is now married to Kosi with kids, but has still not gotten over Ifemelu, who from where I am still reading has hope of reconnecting with him when she moves back from America to Nigeria. Woman! he has kids, a wife who has done nothing but love him dearly, leave him alone!!!!

None of my friends who have already finished the book have agreed to tell me how it ends, so I have to stay patient and see what happens. I am seriously sensing they will have an extramarital affair and it frustrates the "mind my French" out of me.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Fine China - Chris Brown

For those who do not know I am Chris Brown's no 1 fan!!!!

This new dope video arrived today and has made the world time travel to a world where Michael Jackson is still alive.... my only complaint is why on earth did the movie stop? was enjoying it so much!

must..WATCH!!! can't wait for the X album...Love you Breezy.

RD xx

Monday, 11 February 2013

SWEET LOVE- without tragedy

"I dont want normal and Easy, OR simple...I want...painful! Difficult!! Devastating!! Life changing!!! Extraordinary!!!! love" - Olivia Pope (Scandal)

I see how the sub-heading (quote) on this post would lead one to believe I am validating this type of painful, devastating love. Okay may be I sort of am in a twisted way, I really think everyone is entitled some drama in their love life at some point if not for anything but to have a good story to tell. We want the Noah and Allison's (The Notebook movie), the Romeo and Juliet's these are what make good stories. Heart breaking stories is what we want to talk about, to be honest easy love is very boring. Haha after all is said and done "what is love with tragedy?". Well i'll answer that, it is still love, but I get it!, there is a sort of addictive feeling we get to the kind of love that has all sorts of screaming red warning signs!...


Hmmmm well my advise to anyone seeking the sort of love Olivia Pope from scandal seeks is to engage in it just for a short term basis. Go ahead have your intense passion "We found love in a hopeless place" type of love, but come out of it one day and have the kind of love you deserve which I call "SWEET LOVE". What is sweet love? I would say sweet love is one that does not hurt 80% of the time, for 20% you are allowed to not stand each other but 80% let it be beautiful, easy and comfortable. If you must dalliance with Mr OMygosh Sexy Wrong in your youth, get all the burning dysfunctional desire out of your system while you are young. 

When you are ready for the type of love that is made in heaven, marry your best friend!, the one who understands you, the one who comes with love, understanding, comfort and NO  okay may be a tiny little bit of tragedy to spice things up *wink*.

With Love,
RD x

P.s my second Scandal inspired post, after I watched the last episode and Olivia said that line, I thought gosh what is wrong with women and causing their heart breaks???.... and if you still dont watch Scandal what is your excuse??? #nocomment. 

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Short Story : India's Journal

Hello journal my name is India, and no I have never been to India, as a matter of fact nothing about me has any association to India. My parents just thought to give me the name to be distinctive *rolls eyes*. People I have randomly met named India always seem to have some sort of story, like their parents met there, but mine have not even been there. My parents cannot even stand Indian food or any sort of spicy food for that matter. Okay, I am sure you have had enough about me ranting about my name. I am twenty-four years old and I am a Londoner. I work in the city as a management consultant. Every weekday I am underground at 6.30am sharp, boarding my train to get to work at 7am. I always go to the second to the last carriage as it is near to the exit of the station I come off at for work. For the last two years since I started my job I have noticed that it is the same people that are in this carriage every morning. We even give each other that nod of recognition.  I notice when a member has been absent for a while, it’s a bad economy so I wonder if they moved house and use a different route to work or got laid off. These people in the carriage are my friends in some weird twisted way; they see me more than most of my friends and even my boyfriend. They see me five days a week; I never cancel on them unless I am on leave from work. In actuality I cancel on my real friends a lot, most days I get off from work at around 7pm and all I just want to go home and sleep. 

During the weekends I also want to sleep but Leonard my boyfriend insists on all these date nights to keep the relationship alive. Why will he not just put on his pyjamas and watch TV with me all weekend? Sometimes its so annoying when he makes us double date with his best friend Thomas whose girl friend I find unbearable. She is someone I find very uninspiring and while the boys are yakking on about football, I have to listen to her soliloquy about her boring friends who according to her stories are all morally loose. She always asks about my job, but I do not want to talk about my job with her, I do not want to talk about my job period. I am not even sure I like my job; does anyone really love his or her job? I mean I get paid well, and I have somewhere to go to everyday. I used to moan about my job a lot to my friend Tracy until she told me she could not take it anymore, poor her she has not gotten a proper job since she left university a year ago it must be frustrating. I have not spoken to Tracy in a few months, but I like most of her pictures on instagram, she is really pretty and stylish, I hope that counts as keeping in touch. I miss her stories about her exciting dates though. I wonder where she finds all these interesting guys in London and I have to end up with Leonard. Do not misunderstand me he is awesome, but just very ordinary in many ways I am still in the relationship because no one better has showed up. He treats we well anyway, for my last birthday he got me a black mulberry bag, saw a lady yesterday who has the brown version, it looks much nicer than mine. I have to stop now though, need to sleep as I wake up everyday at 5am, work at 7am remember? Sigh.