WelcOmE to the Land of Rita DiaMonds

Based on Fact and Fiction.

The Idea is not to force my ideas on you.

My Ideas are not good or bad they are simply mine.

Monday, 23 January 2012


just keep it between you and me! ..new song from Nigerian artist Banky W, in the song he tells the girl he is having an affair with to keep the love lowkey, that everyone may hate them together, but the affair is just between them and it feels right!

Crazy love

I listened to Latif's new album recently and my favourite song was crazy love its an adorable song!

Thursday, 12 January 2012

get up!

Monday, 9 January 2012

the past is gone

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Up coming posts

Happy New Year people, hope you all enjoyed and received the blessings of christmas, sorry been busy for a while now! but will soon publish some interesting and exciting posts...

1. Its been 60 months since I thought about you...
2. Not so little anymore
3. Beautiful Dreams
4. Pray with me

5. Diary of a Glad African Woman --- Part 5
AND MUCH MORE this 2012!!

Stay Tuned!... (you can follow the blog by email, so you will be notified when new posts are published, emails from this blog are anti spam!!)

with love,
Rita Diamonds xx