WelcOmE to the Land of Rita DiaMonds

Based on Fact and Fiction.

The Idea is not to force my ideas on you.

My Ideas are not good or bad they are simply mine.

Friday, 6 August 2010

Capturing Love through my Camera

Sometimes pictures tell stories...I was out with a friend and while sitting on the grass in the park we noticed a trend of couples....so I brought out my camera to take a few pictures...the trick is they are unaware of this so there is no falseness in the photos..From the pictures I'll make a brief explanation of what I think is going on in their relationship...this should be fun humour me a bit :)

My Favourite couple..I do not sense any pretence here they are genuinely in love at least for now..haha we all how know things could go,fingers crossed it will last :).

The Date didn't go so well for the girl but she will stay in the relationship because everyone in school thinks he is cool.

He treats her much better than her ex boy friend did and she makes him happy.

Married for over 30 years and still in love.

Hope we get the holiday we deserve.

Very soon Im going to ask her to marry me.
we have to do something different tonight.

Just married we both hope this marriage lasts.

I hope he changes his mind and decides to stay an extra day.

It's possible that she is not a fan of where they are going.

when did we get so old..*sigh*

*Bored* and when we get home the kids will give troubles.

He may not be perfect but he is the best for me..she nags but I always come back.

I wish he asked me more about what I was feeling instead of going on about football.

Our little family is not so bad after all.

Our daughter is the glue of this marriage.

This was fun..xoxo

Dairy of a Glad African Woman---Part 1

My younger sister warms my heart. Her accepted wisdom is bold, her deciding to study Politics Philosophy and Economics did not come as a surprise to me. My parents cried “if you do not study Law you can study Law”. Africans approach to education has always been limited to professional courses such as Medicine, Law and Engineering. My sister called me 3 days ago while I was having lunch and said “I am going natural” “my hair I am chucking it off and growing my natural hair”. A day later on Skype through video chat she explained to me the politics in her decision. She explained ethically why it is wrong that I use Indian hair weaves. No doubt she questioned my ethics for at least an hour but in the end I agreed to disagree. She says the black woman will never be taken seriously if she keeps parading in her “genetically mutated hair” she called it. She now has so much hate for my Dr Miracles kit relaxer. I commend her on her plight I am sure she will look even more captivating with an afro. If I ever choose to join her it would be as a preference not in order to prove to the world I'm proud to be black. I enjoy the privilege of changing my looks only with the power of different hair styles. All races mutate their hair, Indian women spend fortunes to straighten, white women dye their hair, and my friend from Thailand spends loads of money getting her hair chemically curled. That aside I am due for a retouch should call to book an appointment at the hairdressers. I love you sis but I’ll continue genetically mutating my hair.